HTML Headings

HTML headings

In HTML there are certain tags used to define titles and subtitles which are termed as HTML tags.

In HTML there are six levels of HTML tags. These six levels are h1, h2, h3 , h4, h5 and h6.

Among these tags h1 is largest in size wich is used as main heading.

After which h2 tag is largest which is used as sub heading and so on till h6 which is smallest in size.


// the 'h' inside the tag should be in small case only.
<h1>Laptop Mart</h1>
<h2>XYZ Laptop</h2>

Changing the size of HTML Heading:

The default size of HTML headings can be changed, using the style attribute.

<body style="background-color:aliceblue;","font-size:17px;">hlo</body >